How to Choose the Safest Flea and Tick Medications (Without Compromising Efficacy)

itchy dog.

No one likes unwanted houseguests, and pet parasites like fleas and ticks are low on the list of critters that you might invite in. Are flea and tick medications dangerous for pets, though? Thankfully, there are great options for pet parasite prevention available, and Sky Canyon Animal Hospital is happy to help you sort through choosing. 


Year-Round Parasite Prevention Starts in the New Year

Parasite prevention for cats.

Humans are creatures of habit, and yet we allow lots of things to fall through the cracks. Perhaps equally true is that we are, for the most part, prone to procrastination. Why do anything right away when it’s just as easy to do it later? However, when it comes to your pet’s parasite prevention, it is ideal to have them on a year-round schedule. That way, they are never vulnerable to the resilient, pervasive bugs that can cause problems in unprotected pets. 
