What Is In a Pet Emergency Kit?

A pet traveling safely in a car.

If you had to run out of the house in an emergency, do you know what you would save first? Your pets are, of course, likely to be priority number one. In addition to your furry friends, however, there are some basic items you need to take to ensure they are safe and comfortable. Pre-preparing a pet emergency kit means you and your pets can be ready to go. 

If you prefer to build your own pet emergency kit, the staff at Sky Canyon Animal Hospital compiled a list of necessary items to have.


Asthma in Cats: What You Need to Know

A tabby cat sneezing into a tissue.

Most cat owners are painfully familiar with hairballs. An occasional sight of a cat hunching over, making wheezing sounds, and coughing up an elongated pile of stomach bile and fur isn’t always a cause for concern, but breathing difficulty is definitely alarming. Asthma in cats can sneak up on owners, so it’s best to be prepared for what it looks like and when it requires you to seek help.


Year-Round Parasite Prevention Starts in the New Year

Parasite prevention for cats.

Humans are creatures of habit, and yet we allow lots of things to fall through the cracks. Perhaps equally true is that we are, for the most part, prone to procrastination. Why do anything right away when it’s just as easy to do it later? However, when it comes to your pet’s parasite prevention, it is ideal to have them on a year-round schedule. That way, they are never vulnerable to the resilient, pervasive bugs that can cause problems in unprotected pets. 


Understanding and Enforcing Holiday Pet Safety Measures

Dog having a safe holiday.

It might seem a bit odd to have rules during the most wonderful time of the year, but without certain guard rails in place, risks to pet health skyrocket. With the influx of strangers around, indulgent foods in abundance, and attractive, dangling objects on display, pet emergencies are bound to happen around the holidays. The good news is that you can guard against them with our tips for ultimate holiday pet safety. 


Outdoor Pet Safety Tips for Pet Owners

A playing safely in the outdoors.

The great outdoors is a magical place for dogs and cats. There are critters to chase and sunny spaces for naps. There are delivery people to bark at and neighbors who stop by for a visit. “Oh, what a beautiful cat,” they say. “My, how your beagle has grown!” But outdoors can be scary too. How can you keep your outside pets safe? Your veterinarians at Sky Canyon Animal Hospital have some outdoor pet safety tips ready for you!
