If it’s been a little while since your dog’s first puppy classes, now might be a great time to learn some new tricks or skills. After all, dogs are lifeline learners who relish the chance to please their owners. Learning enhances how they interact with you, members of the family, or the general public, but more importantly, the process of picking up new skills can actively promote bonding with your dog. In other words, they learn what you expect from them, and when they’re successful they become the best doggos they can be.
Everybody Wins
Training is a central feature of a dog’s early months. But once they master potty training and the basics of obedience training, many dogs sort of plateau. If it were up to them, dogs would learn cool new stuff every day. That means it’s up to all of us to create the brightest possible future for our dogs today by teaching them new games and new tricks as often as possible.
Look Here, There, Everywhere
Most dogs are highly motivated by food in general, and treats in particular. Use this to your advantage when teaching them anything new. Not only do they love to eat but they’ll work toward the reward with greater consistency and accuracy.
The game of “find It” is super fun, and can be played with treats at first, and then with toys after they get the hang of things. Simply place the treat/toy in an easy-to-find spot and say the words “find it.” If they don’t get it right away, point the item out to them. Repeat these steps until they show mastery. Then, increase the challenge by hiding the item in a different location to help them out before they lose interest.
Hide and Seek takes “find it” to another level because instead of food or toys, you are the object hidden for your dog to find. If your dog is already great at recall, you can add some semi-challenging obstacles between them finding you.
Never Too Old
Many dogs learn commands like sit, stay, down, come, and heel when they are young. You can add to these essential skills with commands like roll over, spin, close the door, cross legs, be shy, sit pretty, and more. These are fun because they let each dog’s special personality come through, but they also bring them closer to you by making you laugh, smile, and offer affection when they get it right.
In the Way
Building obstacle courses are great fun for dogs and people alike. As you teach your dog the course, you indirectly inspire trust between you. This, in turn, builds confidence which makes them feel great, and contributes to a faster, more enjoyable learning process. Once they show success, you can make the course more challenging or sign them up for agility training.
Shared Activities With Your Dog
Dog owners knows that the following activities are part of an important daily routine and can deepen the bond between them and their dog:
- Daily exercise together
- Grooming session
- Playing together (and picking the toys up afterwards)
- Cuddles
If you have any questions about your dog’s health, wellness, and behavior please call us at (951) 461-4100.